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Disruptive Shifts in Childcare - 'Your Babysitter on-the-go!'

Personal Research and Business Development - Thesis Final Project | IED Barcelona 2014

Wallabies is the final outcome of my Personal Research Project (PRP) around working mothers. This project employs all

of the Design Thinking and LEAN methodologies acquired during my Master's year.



Mothers always see themselves juggling between family and work.

All they wish for is to find a smooth balance between both without compromising any

of them.


By nature, mothers want to be 'super' in everything they do: super-wives, super-women, and super-moms! 


They end up being overwhelmed and seek HELP on both Physical and Moral level.



How might we provide mothers with reliable help with their most precious children?

For more info about the development of the project, download and read attached pdf.



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